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Alumni Association Dues

Annual membership dues for the Alumni Association are STILL ONLY $35 annually (Jan-Dec) or $500 lifetime dues.

These dues are payable via an ONLINE transaction, by check via mail or in person at any event.

Membership Dues are not tax deductible.

2024 Levels of Donations to Beta-Psi TKE
Alumni Association:

We believe that the essential elements of true brotherhood are love, charity, and esteem; these are the triple obligations of every brother in the bond.


After you have paid your Basic Membership Dues of $35 Annually (Jan - Dec), you are encouraged to become a higher level donor to support the workings of YOUR Alumni Association as you honor fellow fraters.


These may be given in Honor of a fellow frater - or anyone - you feel has been a positive impact in your TKE Experience, a Tribute to a frater - or anyone - you want to acknowledge for going above in their duties to the fraternity OR in Memory of a frater who has passed away.


The frater (or family) will be sent a Certificate that they have had a donation made in their name. 


Project Re-Charter 2024
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

You do NOT have to have a PayPal account.  Just select Continue As A Guest to enter your card information.

We are in our final stages of achieving the Re-Chartering of Beta-Psi.  The most crucial element is Recruitment!  We MUST meet a certain membership level to qualify for Chartering. This has been our single toughest criteria all along. Since we don't have big numbers and a House in Greek Village, the battle is much tougher than many of us recall.  It was a huge barrier for sustaining membership and growth during the 90's - 00's that those fraters faced.
The chapter gets very few of their new members through standard Formal Rush events like many of us enjoyed.    We just don't compete well in that arena currently. 

THEREFORE, we are looking to use the strength of Social Media and Digital Marketing to reach ASU males to compete with other fraternities and garner 1-1 Recruitment opportunities for our members. This is a nationwide proven tool by fraternities and will help us achieve this vital criteria.  
IF you would like to donate ANY AMOUNT to this special project, it will be used solely for this purpose.  
This is a great opportunity for new alumni donors to make a difference.  Many have been supportive of our Alumni Association
 over the years (which helps our chapter as needed) .  We never want those members to feel obligated to make additional donations.

THANK YOU for helping US meet this final criteria to get Beta-Psi Re-Chartered THIS Fall!

Giving Options for 2024:

(a small "online" merchant fee will apply.

Click Button for Fee Amt)

You DO NOT have to join or signup for a PayPal account to pay online! Simply click "pay by card" & enter your info at Checkout!


to view info on the new

Beta-Psi Benevolence Fund

SCAN the Code on your Smartphone

to go the Mobile Site for TKE BetaPsi!

PLEASE Update Your Information!

Even if you think its current!!

We Offer Two Convenient Methods for Paying Dues &

Making Donations:

1) To pay your dues ONLINE please select the icon on the left column on this page:


You DO NOT have to join or signup for a PayPal account to pay online! Simply click "pay by card" & enter your info at Checkout!


IF you want to make a donation to any specific goal or make a Love, Charity, Esteem or Lifetime Dues in payments, USE THE Donation Button on the CHECKOUT SCREEN & enter notes in the "Comment" section. ALL payment plans MUST be completed in the same calendar year.


2) To Mail a Check see the following address:


TKE Alumni Association

P.O. Box 1444

Paragould, Arkansas 72451

100 - Donald Schaefer

303 - Charles Luter

331 - Cliff Goodin

357 - Lavon Wells

368 -Bernard "Mickey" Bridger

393 - Dick Ritchey

399 - Robert Walker

413 - John Frets

419 - Cecil Holifield

420 - Terry McCord

426 - Ronald Faulkner

431 - Laudis Brantley

437 - Albert Martin

440 - Robert "Bob" Ross

462 - Dr. Dale Morris

476 - Bobby Caldwell

478 - Tommy Calloway

480 - William "Bill" Hampton

489 - Hon. Bentley "Ben" Story

499 - Paul Mills

502 - Lt. Col. Tim Walters

507 - James Kyle

508 - Ed McLain

543 - Dr. J. Wayne Buck

546 - Robert "Bob" Phillips

581 - James Bailey

584 - Hon. Coy Branscum

596 - Jerry Unser

600 - Raymon Harvey

604 - "Vance" Robert Lawson

608 - Randy Woodard

632 - James France

633 - Anthony "Carl" Frein

697 - Dr. John Ruff

710 - Mike Parker

739 - Bill Couch

740 - John Cychol

742 - Kevin Gamble

754 - R. Neil Cate

766 - Dr. Gary Strickland

776 - Ray Smith

777 - Tim Stillings

782 - James "Jim" Drake

788 - Daniel Nicholson

790 - David Pickler

792 - Kim/Stephen Stepka

807 - Dennis Wood

811 - Eddie Adams

813 - Maj. Rex Davis

848 - George "Buzz" Berg

861 - Anthony "Wop" Paladino

876 - Gregory Crews

880 - Charles "Chuck" Keller

884 - David Smith

893 - Wallace "Wally" Jackson

899 - Scott Cole

910 - Trent "Jay" Blackshare

911 - Michael Todd

916 - William "Clay" Cozart

923 - Jacques Larose

927 - Jeffrey Smith

930 - Stuart Stark

932 - James "Jim" Garner

935 - David Martin

951 - Thurman "Jr" Beshears

955 - John Drake

956 - John Gamble

963 - Joey Owens

985 - Dwight Duckworth

1000 - Mrs. Jim Cramer

1002 - Scott Ellington

1004 - William "Todd" Gibson

1011 - Mark Ramsey

1012 - LTC David Sales

1013 - Richard  "Ricky" Stanley

1017 - Mark Young

1027 - Larry Williams

1028 - William "Bill" Brown

1031 - John Simon

1035 - Kevin  Cothern

1047 - Ronald Roades

1052 - Brian Poellot

1053 - Everett Adamson

1065 - C. Len George

1069 - Charles "Scott" Berry

1074 - John Elkins

1075 - Drue Ford

1079 - Richard "Chris" Puryear

1082 - Kirkley Thomas

1084 - Jerry Rapert

1109 - Scott Ruff

1120 - Bruce Colbert

1122 - Dr. Ralf Beilhardt

1132 - Bjorn Skoog

1168 - Frank Wood

1182 - Steven Oakes

1184 - N. Edward Adams

1204 - Richard Gregg

1245 - Jeremy Brewer

1247 - Joshua Cole

1249 - Timothy Booth

1275 - Billy Shurley

1280 - Jeffrey Klitzner

1288 - Robert  "Bob" Cable

1304 - Ansel Young

1360 - Adam Wooten

Pi - Eps Walter "Skip"Steele

Start a "Dues Drives" for Lifetime Member status

for a significant frater from your era:

This can be someone living who you want to get with your pledge class, etc & start a drive or a member who has passed away & you want them to stay close to the Chapter/Alumni Association.

Lifetime Membership Drives have been started for:

Frater Jerry "Flounder" Bolding #834

Frater Greg Crews has begun a fund drive for a Posthumous Lifetime Membership for a great Teke,Frater Jerry Bolding You can make donations mailing a check or online via the General Donation tab and commenting "Jerry Bolding" fund.

Frater Craig "Spunky" Cornett, #1090

Frater Cornett pledged TKE in 1986 & graduated in 1989.

Spunky and Darren "BUTTERWORTH" Beckwith hosted some great events at the Teke house called "LATE NIGHT at the Teke House" .... There would be people from all the other fraternities and sororities attend! It is a fond memory for those of us from the mid 80's....

Frater Chris "Frog" Hardy, #1023

Frater Chris pledged in Fall 1983 & was initiated in April 1984. You could find him alongside Blytheville childhood friend & pledge brother Chris Graves spinning tunes to most of our drop-ins & dances. Well, these hi-tech dudes used cassette tapes!!

A Local, Beta-Psi Scholarship Fund was started in memory of Frater Adam Wooten, #1360.

Please read this note from Brittany about her, Adam & Beta-Psi TKE...

Click Here to Donate to this Scholarship!

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