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For our Current Board of Directors & Local Mentors,

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See the HomePage for the most recent notes
2023...Turning the Corner Towards Chartering!
Just initiated 10 new members. Sitting at 23 overall, along with another 4 bids signed this past week bringing us up to 27. Growing fast and on the way to chartering.
-posted 11/17/23 by Prytanis, Gavin Brown

The guys have worked HARD and SMART in Fall, 2022! They startred with 6-7, DOUBLED their size by INFormal Rush (1-1) to 14, got those inducted, educated, initiatiated and have added 5 more current associates )aka PLEDGES) to end the semester with 19!  They will initiate this last class in the Spring.

They plan to add another small Spring class. They will only lose 1 active to graduation.  Over the Summer and into Fall, they plan to again double their size to meet the membership criteria for being Chartered.  Every Man, Get A Man!

Their new officer slate will be working on evey criteria to meet Charter Standards in 2022-2023.  Their goal is to get Chartered at Conclave 2024 so they can be officially re-installed in 2024 as part of Beta-Psi's 75th Anniversary.

They are getting lots of support in mentoring and financial help from Alumni (& the AA) to achieve their goals but are for the most part "paying their own way" and keeping their academics and finances in order. 

You can be proud of the group we have and they are always open to any constructive advice, mentoring, support!  

A Look Back at 2022

Sat, Feb 12th, 2022   

ASU Pavilion

The Chapter (colony) actives hosted the Alumni for an informative evening to present their Spring 2022 plans. They have grown in numbers and are on the path to progress.  They've attended Regional Leadership Conference and will attend a Province Forum on March 5th.

Update 2/2022

The Chapter (Colony) is doing as well as it has since the restart in 2016. We are way behind in time on getting Chartered but heading in the right direction. There's been a few setbacks, Covid notwithstanding, that have hampered a continual growth but they have a well-organized plan, dedicated members, a few older fraters staying active to help and are reaching out to Alumni for some guidance and assistance.

You can help without taking too much time from your family and job. With zoom, elec communications, etc you can help from anywhere in the country. Please consider mentoring an officer by being available occasionally. Their meetings are Sunday evenings at 8pm, so you can offer to Zoom in for a chance to offer your input. Reach out to Kori Dunlap at 870-637-4150 or Jerry Cooper at 870-212-1420 to arrange a date/time. 

UPDATE 6/2121

The Chapter (Colony) is struggling very much to get going. Just we we had begun to see the progress in numbers, Covid hit. They've gone 2 semesters with NO social events & not even able to have a chapter meeting in person! WHO wants to pay %400 +/- a semester to join a group you can only visit online?

The remaining guys (<10 due to gradution, etc) have pooled their resources and rented a house directly across from the ROTC Armory to be close to campus and have a presence. We MUST have some Alumni to support them that are LOCAL and some that can mentor via phone/zoom from a distance to help them. This is very similar to what happened at the end of our chapter originally. Numbers got too low to support and there was no Alumni involvement to encourage and support their efforts with instruction. 

UPDATE 7/2020

The undergrads have a great slate of officers and are primed to make 2020-21 the year for them to finally be "Re-Chartered!" This should have been accomplished by now but it's been a labor of love and struggles for sure. They start the Fall 2020 semester with just under 20 members. Using the "EMGAM" recruitment method, they should double quickly and add a Spring Class to reach that next level.

There is still plenty of room and NEED for (especially local/regional) alumni to help mentor the leadership but with technology this can also be done remotely if anyone wants to step up and help out. 

UPDATE 10/2019

We are blessed with AWESOME Chapter Leadership!

Frater Felix Bishop (of Pi-Epsilon, Christian Bros) a realtor in Memphis asked to serve as Chapter Advisor. He met with our BOA and the Undergrads knew him from his extensive work with them as a Province Advisor the past few years.

Dr. John Hall, a 2016 honorary inductee and brother to Beta-Psi's Drs Ray & George Hall has been serving as our Faculty Advisor. He is quite an ally for us to have on campus as he is well-respected among the students, faculty and administration. Again, he came to us offering his leadership and involvement.

That attribure is a must and both men bring this desire to our chapter. This is another reason some local alumni -especially those who understand the struggle of a small chapter size - should step up and help out occasionally, we hope.

UPDATE 8/2019

We ended Spring 2019 with 15 Active Undergrads. Our goal for Fall Rush is a min of 10 to hit the pivotal 25-member mark (or more based on quality guys).

The Chapter has worked hard over the Summer working a list of Potential New Members (PNM's) acquired from a Scholarship Contest working with h.s. counselors in the Spring.

UPDATE 4/2019

Spring 2019 has been a 180° positive turnaround from this time last year! Having a house to serve as a "hub" has created the cohesion & identity they needed. They have done this on their own. It is located on Johnson Ave directly across from Kays Hall.

They guys had another good showing at the Regional Leadership Conference in Atlanta. A special thanks to Frater Ansel Young for some financial help through his RLC Scholarship Fund he has funded through the Teke Educational Foundation. They are currently working on gertting a group lined up for Conclace 2019 in Orlando this August.

The Chapter is at about 14 members & have added 4-5 new associates hoping to end the school year just shy of 20. They are diligently planning for a Fall 2019 class of 15 to get over the 25 mark & then maintain that for 2+ semesters so we can feel comfortable to support them with some type of on-campus Lodge/House THEY can afford.

UPDATE 8/16/18

The pivitol Fall Rush & the Chapter, in general, just got a HUGE BOOST!!!

A couple frater's are now renting a home owned by one of their dad's on E. Johnson, directly across from Kays Hall. It has a basement they will "remodel" to be used for meetings & perfect for rituals. It has a storage shed that once cleaned out, can store the bell & other misc historical items we (AA) are paying $600/yr for a storage shed now.

They can host brotherhood nights, cookouts, etc in the home & large yard. Its great to see the TKE letters visible from campus to give them exposure as well. This is THE MISSING LINK for more brotherhood & cohesiveness the chapter desperately has lacked & will help them immensely until they are to the point (size, financially, stability) we should look to build the house & we are ready to build financially.

Here are a few pics...

<<<<apollo is="" a="" nice

piece of decor, don't you think? HA The triangle is the old "pledge bulletin board."

The house with the letters. View from E. Johnson, by Kays Hall. >>>>>

<<< It is good to

see the new TKE

Letters on display

by the stadium at

a recent Rush 

UPDATE 8/2/18

Rush 2018 is the best we've had to this point. The guys worked New Student Registrations for incoming freshmen & worked through IFC to garner those lists as well. They've been sending postcards, emails & making phone calls. They have a "meet & greet" scheduled out by our tailgate area for Fri, 8/10. We are needing a few alumni to help with the cooking, etc so the few locals in town can "work" the students.

To answer the prime question, we have 10 actives with the plan to at least DOUBLE with a 12-15 member pledge class from this Fall's Formal Rush.

They have the formal Rush week activities planned and are on the path to get 10-15 new members, hopefully. Without a House -

OR EVEN a common area to hang out, hold their meetings, store ritual eqpt, banners, etc - they are very handicapped! We are trying to find somewhere to serve as a Hub until we get to the point of a house. We hope to at lease secure the land lease & place a "Future Home" sign on the lot prior to Rush.

(Falwell & chapter Rush leaders

going over lists & info) 

UPDATE 5/2018

To be honest, the Spring was a tough semester. But we made it through and came out with quality & dedicated members primed for a "restart of the restart!"

We have a strong plan for the Summer & Fall already. The chapter NEEDS NAMES from Alumni of their kids, friends' kids, grandkids, etc who are coming to ASU!!!! There's no reason with all the hundreds of Alumni we have especially in proximity to ASU we can't supply 5-10 potential new members! It is VITAL & we are asking you to be aware as you receive Graduation Announcements, etc. Send the names to me at 870-450-8845 or email to

UPDATE 9/2017

The chapter got started with 18 of their original 20+ due to graduation, natural attrition, etc. Fall formal rush for all Greek was WAY down, so they are regrouping to work an informal rush targeting a Fall Pledge Class of about 12 new fraters during September. Not having a house to compete with is turning out to be a bigger obstacle than we imagined, so we are re-working our plans to make this a possibility sooner. Watch our "House page" for updates.

The Alumni Association is ordering them robes & stoles for their formal rituals/ceremonies to help them get started so they don't have to borrow from other chapters.

The officers have requested we follow through with the "Local Mentors" program to provide contact & leadership from fraters with experience as officers in their undergraduate days. This is a a positive sign that the new Teke's WANT our input so they can continue the BETA-PSI brand of TKE they have heard so much about. If you would like to serve as a Mentor, please contact us. IT'll be done on a semester basis as many of our jobs have different levels of work load in Fall & Spring.

Some 2016 New Chapter (Colony) Pics

UPDATE 4/20/2017

The new Chapter (colony) held the first Red Carnation Ball in many years.

They added 5 new associates in Jan, 2017 despite ASU-IFC not hosting a formal Spring Rush anymore.

They also added 6 more associates to begin a new pledge class recently as well.

They are rushing & building new members through education, philanthropy & scholarship for a strong base. 

UPDATE 1/25/2017

Frater Jay Patel, (Epsilon Kappa, Loyola Univ - Chicago) has been named our Chapter Advisor.

We are privileged to have someone of his caliber and someone so connected with our new fraters as he has been. He will be doing training with the officers even as this release is being published. He HAS what it takes to be "the best of the best" as an individual frater & as a Top Teke Chapter.

Jay was born in India in 1994, lived majority of his life in Kenya until 2009 where his family permanently moved to the Unites States in the Chicagoland area. He attended Niles North High School, and graduated in 2012. In 2012 he made "two of the best decision of[his] life, going to Loyola University Chicago and becoming a brother in the bond at Epsilon Kappa chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon."

In May of 2016, he graduated with a Bachelors in Biology as well as minoring specialties in Neuroscience and Bio-Ethics. Currently, he is a medical student, OMS-I, at New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State in Jonesboro, Arkansas. His life goal is to be a "future specialized physician who can engage in the community and create a change, specifically the rural communities in our country."

Over the 4 years of his undergraduate experience at LUC, he served his chapter in various roles which include Fundraising Chairman, Judicial Board Representative for 3 years, Philanthropy Chairman, Public Relations Chairman, Hegemon and Epi-Prytanis. The chapter further allowed my to represent itself and the Loyola greek community in various roles for the Inter-fraternity Council at LUC which include President, Vice President of Administration and Finance and as a delegate. These roles further allowed me to represent Greek life at national levels at AFLV as well as awarding me Damen Student Award as LUC, AFLV Regional Scholarship.

Frater Jay was selected as a 2016 National Top TEKE from Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity. Furthermore, the Epsilon Kappa was awarded the most improved chapter in 2014; Top TKE chapter in 2016, and the Top Chapter in the LUC community for 2 years consecutively. 

UPDATE 10/2016

On Fri, 10/21/16, we will initiated about 27 New Beta Psi Tekes! We are all very proud of this group of men to restart out Chapter. They are very quality men. Tanner (Shelton from TKE National) has vetted them very well.

They have already integrated TKE back into the Greek Community at ASU. They have participated in some sororities' charity events, done community service, placed 2nd in one of the Homecoming Activities & more.

They are learning Brotherhood already as they are "meshing" very well despite being a varied group of men, which we've always prided ourselves on being.

UPDATE - 9/2016

Rush has been very successful with about 20 potential or accepted Associates. They are anticipating about 12-15 more in open bid time before out initial installation ceremonies.

Tanner Shelton, TKE National, is our rep on campus working with the new guys and has been awesome.

The guys like him. He's very diligent on vetting potential members & is formulating officers based on submitted applications.

Alumni member, Jay Blackshare, hands off the "ceremonial keys to the Bell" to undergrad, (son) Ben Blackshare & others at a recent Rush event under the Pines by the stadium.

Undergrads/Rushees Cooking Out by Sorority Girls make for good

the stadium. "Advertising" for TKE on campus.

New Teke's get their 1st Intramural Football WIN

starting a New Tradition of Winning!"


UPDATE - 4/25/2016

We sponsored an Alumni/New Member Reception, Mon 4/25 at the ASU Reng Center. This was as "official" as we could be until the paperwork for our colony is finalized with TKE & ASU.

We had about 20 undergraduates & over a dozen alumni in attendance.

We showed them a brief TKE Historical video & presented a program highlighting:

- The principles of love, charity & esteem

- The principle of "not for wealth, rank or honor but for personal worth & character"

- What to expect from TKE & their fraternal experience

- What will be expected of them

- How to Rush & why they must start now

- The timeline as we know it now for the colony to start

- Financial obligations they should expect come Fall Semester

Many alumni talked about the heritage of Beta-Psi & about Brotherhood, etc. It was a VERY productive evening culminating in their decision to sign information/contact forms so we can work with them over the Summer. They took other forms for future fraters that had other obligations. 

UPDATE - 4/8/2016

A Date that will Live in Infamy....for Beta-Psi!!!

We signed a formal document with ASU to reactivate Beta-Psi!

We have a group of appx 30 Undergraduates who have already signed a petition last Fall to affiliate with TKE & TKE Int'l concurred & sent that to the ASU IFC. 

Due to a plethora of administrative steps with TKE & ASU, we will not have time to formally induct these first fraters before the end of the Spring Semester. We will host a Reception on Mon, April 25th, with Alumni & Undergrads in the Reng Center to provide them with a New "We're Back" T-shirt & garner enrollment information from them.

We will rush through the Summer & after Fall 2016 Rush, we will officially initiate these future members.

We MAY be able to initiate our new Colony's Faculty Advisor, Dr John Hall at Goat Roast on June, 16, 2016. 

Click on this to view the Announcement Video

TKE - ASU Signing Ceremony

Jan 2016

TKE National has sent our info packet to ASU for their Greek Expansion plans. Gabe Espinosa, TKE National, was at ASU in Nov to go over more details with future fraters & to help them with their petition to ASU IFC as another part of our application process.

We need YOU to start finding HS Sr's this Spring that are interested in ASU. Let's reach out to them FIRST.

SO, we have processed 2 of the ways to re-colonize on the ASU Campus (per the ASU IFC Bylaws) therefore, we have been told "move forward" by Dr. Rick Stripling, ASU VP of Student Affairs, whose office handles Greek Expansion. However, we are anticipating a soon official invitation & would rather wait for ASU to present that.

On Jan 9th, 15 alumni attend Volunteer Training with Todd Farmer, TKE National, to learn about the Greek System in 2016, which is very different from our earlier chapter as you can imagine. Many of these fraters will be the Local Mentors that will aid with "hands-on" support of the new fraters in our early inception.

UPDATE! 10/5/2015

We have a current group of undergraduates working hard to rush other quality young men. This was a task that was supposed to be a "barrier" for us but through the work of a Xi-Tau undergraduate, a few of his friends along with some Rugby players this milestone has basically come to us!

We have met with them in informal meetings & social events so the process is progressing well.

The local Alumni that have signed on as Local Mentors will be REQUIRED to attend a training session conducted by TKE National on a Sat before the end of this calendar year. We'll be posting this & hope ALL Alumni that can attend will do so!

The current timeline is that we take these 25-35 current undergraduates interested in being our first initiates & "vet" them asap for a likely Spring '16 Induction Ceremony as a Colony. This fist class will have to be initiated first, then we take them through Pledge Training & activities.

THEY will informally "Rush" hopefully 20 more during the Spring semester for a Fall Pledge Class. We will probably have to wait until AFTER IFC Formal Rush to add other associates.

ONCE our colony reaches the "mean" of the other IFC fraternities (currently about 70), we can then petition for Chapter Status. This could be as early as Fall '16 but more likely Spring or Fall '17. We will NOT want to grow too fast or just "hit numbers" as we will do it RIGHT!!!!

UPDATE Nov 2015

Dr John D. Hall, #1390, was selected as our ASU Faculty Advisor for the upcoming chapter restart. Dr Hall is a very accomplished professor & well respected on the ASU Campus. Here is a link to his ASU Faculty page.

Dr Hall was tailgating with Fraters Neil Cate, Dennis Layer & others this Fall when he approached them potentially offering help as we work toward a chapter restart.

Dr Hall has a great heritage with Beta-Psi despite not being an "official" undergraduate member of our chapter. His 2 older brothers, Dr George Hall #341 & Dr Ray Hall #416 & are distinguished Alumni. Dr [John] Hall reminisced on stories where he spent much of his Jr High days around the old TKE Suite in Delta Hall with his brothers. He might have even slept there a time or 2, ha. When his older brothers were away, he still wore his TKE Letters proudly.

Dr Hall was initiated with Scroll #1390 on 6/11/16 during our Goat Roast ‘16 activities.

It's Our Time!!

All of our hard work has paid off! We're Back!!!

At our HUGE 65th Anniversary Event in 2014, we agreed this chapter is worth saving!

Too many young men are missing out of life-changing relationships & experiences that we still value as seen at our tailgates, Goat Roast, Regional Reunions, Facebook posts & events like Miracles for Mary!

For YOU to have had the TKE Experience YOU enjoyed, someone 20-30 or more years out had to still care & support the chapter. Now, its YOUR turn!!

They solicited the Int'l IFC for fraternities looking to expand. We offered ASU their best option given our history, heritage, current active relations with the school & 900+ Alumni we can bring with us. TKE National has definitely been behind us & been quite supportive.

We have a Board of Directors Committee you are welcome to serve on to help us continue the chapter restart EVEN & if you are not near ASU. We have a private FB Group Page we used to communicate & have periodic phone conference call meetings as needed.

Current Board of Directors: (2018)

To support the active Chapter Advisor, these fraters have stepped up & doing a great job by attending a regular meeting to share their TKE testimony and to monitor membership issues & growth, financial status of the chapter, TKE National compliance progress, etc.

Larry Williams - #1027

Bob Ross - #440

Jerry Halsell - #942

Jerry Rapert - #1084

Greg Crews - #876

Bob Cable - #

Ansel Young - #

Bjorn Skoog - #

Steven Householder - #

Dr John Hall

Let us know if you are able to help in either capacity. Would really like to see a couple under Scroll 500 & a few 600-800 Scroll members.

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